Help a Family

The Folk Heritage Museum is under the banner of Tarayana Foundation, a civil society organization, established by Her Majesty the Queen Mother, Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck.
Tarayana focuses on working in remote, rural villages to bring about holistic community growth and development by serving vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. Since its establishment, Tarayana on sought to bridge the gaps between larger national initiatives and local grassroots requirements. Tarayana Foundation with its focus on grassroots development lends itself well to serving the small and remote communities, one community at a time. The incremental cost of reaching the benefits of development is particularly challenging for remote and isolated communities and the Foundation has sought to overcome this via social mobilization and empowerment of local communities to take charge of development initiatives in their own localities.
As a CSO, Tarayana supports the government initiatives and the Five Year Plan objectives as well as the national goal of Gross National Happiness.
The items displayed for sale are products made by beneficiaries of Tarayana, which helps them to sustain economically.
One item you buy could help one entire family.
Visit Tarayana Foundation