• An Odyssey to the Past

  • A Cultural Voyage

  • An Exploration of Time

The Ultimate Journey Through Bhutan’s Rich History

Welcome to the Folk Heritage Museum, nestled in Kawajangsa, the vibrant heart of Thimphu, Bhutan’s capital. Just a short stroll from the National Library of Bhutan and the National Institute for Zorig Choesum (13 Traditional Arts), the Folk Heritage Museum immerses visitors in the rich tapestry of Bhutanese folk heritage and rural history. With its captivating exhibits bringing medieval Bhutan to life, a visit to this museum is essential to completing your journey through Bhutan.

The Heritage

Embark on an enchanting journey into Bhutan's past, a voyage akin to turning the pages of a storied history book. Yet here, the narrative unfurls through the visual splendor of antique pots and pans, ancient weapons, venerable weighing scales, and traditional garments. The air is rich with the aroma of a medieval kitchen, and the sanctity of spaces where ancestors invoked deities enhances the immersive experience.
No sojourn through Bhutanese culture is complete without a visit to the Heritage.

Unearth the Treasures

The Folk Heritage Museum offers a journey back in time, immersing visitors in the medieval era. The centuries-old priceless artifacts within highlight various significant aspects of Bhutanese life in the past.

Inside the Manor


Step into a realm where tradition and craftsmanship are revered and preserved. Enter this cultural enigma, for an unforgettable experience.

Ground Floor

Stroll through the three-room ground floor, a bustling storehouse and shelter for domestic animals in the past. See medieval Bhutan.

Middle Floor

The middle floor, known as Barthog, with its two rooms, served as a storeroom. Here, one can experience the traditional Bhutanese methods of storage.

Top Floor

The top floor, with its three rooms, was the heart of the home—a lively hub with the family kitchen, a welcoming living room, and a revered altar.


From its sturdy construction to the thoughtful integration of natural materials, the Heritage’s architecture tells a story of harmony with nature and a deep understanding of sustainable living. The Folk Heritage Museum not only preserves these architectural marvels but also offers a profound insight into the wisdom and craftsmanship of Bhutan’s rural past.

Folk Heritage Specials

Beyond experiencing medieval Bhutan, the Museum is an ideal place for several signature experiences


Bhutan Echoes

Bhutan Echoes is a literature and arts initiative, an annual international literary festival held in Bhutan.
Her Majesty the Queen Mother of Bhutan, Gyalyum Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck is the Chief Patron of Bhutan Echoes: Drukyul’s Literature Festival.

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